UCD Summer School for 5th Years

Join University College Dublin on-campus from 3rd – 6th June 2025 IKC3 project partners UCD are hosting a unique summer school for 5th year students (secondary students entering their 6th year or Year 13 A-Level) in June 2025. The UCD Summer School is a great opportunity to experience college life. Students have the chance […]
MTU Inspiring Primary Schools to Become Sustainability Champions with Code Green Series

IKC3 at MTU and Microsoft launch the Dream Space TV series, Code Green, aimed at empowering teachers and supporting students to develop green and digital skills. Code Green is a collaboration between Ireland’s Knowledge Centre for Carbon, Climate and Community Action (IKC3) at Munster Technological University (MTU) and Microsoft Dream Space supported by RTÉ Learn. […]
Sustainability Professionals Network Ireland – UCD Innovations for a Sustainable Agrifood Future Event

IKC3 and project partners, University College Dublin, were excited to host a unique Sustainability Professionals Network event in UCD on October 1st. The theme of the event was Innovations for a Sustainable Agrifood Future and was designed to share knowledge and skills with attendees which would empower them adopt sustainability within enterprise and industry or […]
Representing Ireland at this year’s Biobased Innovation Student Competition Europe (BISC-E)

Congratulations to the student team who represented Ireland at the recent European finals of the annual Biobased Innovation Student Competition Europe (BISC-E) coordinated in Ireland by IKC3. This year’s competition included student teams from across 27 European countries each pitching ideas for biobased businesses to an international panle of judges. Pictured here is Fangting Bai, Team Captain of […]
EPA Circular Economy Conference

The EPA Circular Economy conference took place on September 25th in Aviva stadium Dublin. Dr. Aodhan Newsholme, IKC3 lecturer, was delighted to attend and hear from a range of practitioners, politicians and academics on the topic of advancing the circular economy in Ireland. The Circularity Gap Report, from Circle Economy was launched, which concluded […]
Chambers Ireland Sustainable Business Impact Awards

IKC3 were honoured to be guest judges at this year’s Sustainable Business Impact Awards held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Santry this week. The awards showcase best practice in sustainable development and social responsibility undertaken by companies of all sizes across Ireland. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are at the heart of these awards, celebrating […]
Drogheda & District Chamber – Businesses Sharing Ideas for Sustainability

IKC3 were delighted to facilitate an introduction to sustainability, opportunities and skills required with members of Drogheda & District Chamber in an interactive event hosted by the Chamber at the Mill Enterprise Centre. ‘Hearing how organisations should be looking to plan for sustainability and consider upskilling was highly useful for all those who joined us today,’ said Hubert […]
Sustainability Professionals Network Ireland – Cork Launch Event

IKC3 were delighted to partner with Cobh and Harbour Chamber, Mallow Chamber and Port of Cork to bring the Sustainability Professionals Network to Cork as part of their Sustainability Pathways: Networking, Workshops, and Opportunities Event on 19th June at Fota Wildlife Park’s Education, Conservation and Research Centre. The event was focused on sustainable business […]
IKC3 Supporting Sustainability in the Arts and Creative Practice

IKC3 are dedicated to encouraging sustainability in all aspects of the community, education and enterprise including in the arts and creative practice. This year we were delighted to sponsor ‘Sustainability within Art Practices and Creative Projects’ at K-Fest in Killorgan, Co. Kerry, where artists from across Ireland were exhibiting their work. “In its second year of […]
Westmeath Businesses Planning for Sustainability

IKC3 were delighted to present at the Mullingar Chamber sustainability event in June where attendees covered a range of topics to assist them on their sustainability journey – the planning required, the opportunity to share ideas and to consider the sustainability skills required for the future. ‘A great session today working in roundtable groups exploring business […]