
Each sector of society has a part to play as we work on the massive challenges of the climate and biodiversity crisis. These crises will not be solved by individual sectors – the challenges are too complex. We need to break down the silos between different players within sectors and between sectors to work together and collaborate as a community to address the urgent need for systemic and transformative change. IKC3 engages with leading Irish and European HEIs, companies, enterprise clusters, local government, civic, social innovators and nature. Through partnerships and engagement with a range of stakeholders across Ireland and Europe, IKC3 aims to deliver a step change in the development and deployment of education, innovation, collaborative and design thinking to enable us to adapt and transition to a decarbonised economy and sustainable society.


Higher Education has a major role in preparing a skilled global workforce. IKC3 education stakeholders will develop innovative scalable solutions for a teaching and learning experience that is flexible and personalized. It will promote professional development to foster the transition to a carbon neutral society.


Enterprise & Industry

IKC3 will work closely with enterprise and industry stakeholders, engaging in both needs-gap analysis and foresight-horizon scanning to identify future knowledge, technology and transversal skills enabling companies to meet their targets and move towards a decarbonized economy and sustainable living.

chambers ireland
chambers ireland

Civic Society

By collaborating with stakeholders in civic society IKC3 aims to facilitate a more continuous flow of knowledge and expertise, develop talent pipelines, enhance skills and create partnerships required to support the transition to a zero-carbon economy.

Research Groups and Clusters

IKC3 aims to create a knowledge and innovation ecosystem through partnerships and collaborations with research groups and cluster organisations. They can provide state of the art knowledge, technologies and solutions to assist in the creation of learning pathways.

circular bioeconomy cluster
Irish Bioeconomy Foundation
shannon abc
centre for the environment
circular bioeconomy cluster
Irish Bioeconomy Foundation
shannon abc
centre for the environment


The IKC3 community includes international experts and leaders in education, industry, local government, social enterprise and leading research centres. Through these partnerships, IKC3 will co-develop a range of innovative courses and programmes in line with global best practice in climate education, innovation, collaboration and engagement.

agro business park
agro business park

Local Government

It is important for IKC3 to work with local governments as they enablers of change. By collaborating with these organisations, ICK3 can map demand, identify opportunities for learner cohorts and enhance programme development

kerry county council
dublin city council
kerry county council
dublin city council